Thank you so much for sharing your personal side of your mid-life β€œre-invention.” Some of us think that professional, public people like you always have everything all figured out! Your experiences and life journeys can help many others chart their courses in life. Thank you.

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That was a great article. I did the same thing about 8 years ago leaving the comfortable confines of a classroom and ventured into the world of compliance and accreditation. It was the most frightening thing I had ever done (aside from giving birth). It also became one of the most rewarding experiences. I'm about 3 years away from retiring and I know this decision is just what I needed in winding down what will be 40 years in education. It makes me proud but curious how I will be leaving after 40 years when I'll only be 29!

Thanks for reminding me that change is hard, the stress is real, and the rewards will come - in time.

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Dave, thanks for sharing a personal update. I am glad things are looking up. I took a quick look at the new publication and was surprised to read in "Spoiled Milk" that the "Democratic-controlled US House of Representatives . . . ." Do you have an editor?

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Keep up the good work, Dave. I look forward to two columns every week. Nellie Bowles TGIF on Free Press on Friday and Dave Price on Sunday! Nellie is in good company.

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I enjoyed your personal reinvention story, especially because I have been that road a couple of times myself. The newsletter you shared is extraordinarily well done. The mission statement page with 2 songs - WOW - what an accomplishment to get those. I've read loads of newsletters and mission statements & even written some, but none with tunes. I found the songs poignant and touching & one tugged at my heart and I'm not even a farmer, however I have special devotion to history and legacy. It looks like you're knocking it out of the park in your new gig (no surprise). Can't wait to hear about the next project.

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